Thursday, June 21, 2007


When the first few minutes of down time at work hit me each day, I do one of three things. I'll check the email, or set my rotisserie baseball lineup for the day, or lastly troll the local liberal blogger sites to see what kind of drivel they're spewing about the state of affairs. This morning my inbox was pretty thin; there's only five baseball games today; the lefties in town are going OFF! Excellent!

Target acquisition systems honed, I zeroed in for the kill and banged out a couple of comments. One was on George's blog over all the Presidential namecalling I saw this morning. Another was on Trekking Left's site where he was saying he'd decline an invite from the President to the White House because he despises the man. In the comments there Queen Whackamole said she'd like to fart on him. Yes, she did. Now that might seem a little juvenile, but I want to say this: it is juvenile. I think it's hilarious. These people are a train wreck on the scale of the Howard Dean scream. They've hit the wall and reverted back to the fourth grade; Billy Madison would be proud.

Anyway the purpose of this post is to remind the people reading here that it doesn't start and end here. Support your local bloggers by reading their drivel ERRRRRR sites. Think of it as wanting to watch your favorite baseball player's at bats while he's on the road, because I'm representing there. That is, I'm representing there when they want to pitch to me. I would never want to compare myself to Barry Bonds, but sometimes I feel like Barry Bonds when I post a comment and it never sees the internets because I've been censored by these loudmouths. Sometimes it's too tough for them, so they pitch around me.

That won't happen here though. Anything goes. It's why I allow anonymous posters to call me an asshole in the comments sections of my posts. I won't censor.

Y'all come back now!

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