Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Santa Barbara Centrist Report

I was doing some light reading this afternoon and came across this interesting website, http://www.politicalcompass.org/. It's a ten minute, six page test that generates a blip on a graphic like you see above. According to my test results, I'm a slightly authoritarian centrist, or basically a moderate. Who the hell knew that? Even as I was taking the test I was thinking to myself, "shoot, my blip is going to end up right next to Hitler," whose blip is uncomfortably close to George W. Bush. Instead I'm in the same neighborhood as Pope Benedict XVI and Mahmoud Abbas, although I have no idea what that means.

Still, compared to the political ideology of most of the local folks I argue with on the internets on a daily basis, I believe I would have to weigh a thousand pounds to tip the compass in my favor. Therefore, the title of this blog shall remain the Santa Barbara Minority Report, as in true conservatives are still in the minority in this lovely gang and homeless infested beach community.

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