Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Six Months

I didn't want to hit the six month mark without pushing up some freshness, but the fact is I'm no longer fresh, nor is this space. I think that Santa Barbara has made progress in the battle against the progressives, especially with the election of Dale Francisco to the City Council. With his lone dissenting vote against the restructuring of fees associated with housing development and his outside the box ideas on local transportation issues he's already shown that we do have a voice inside and outside the spectrum of local government. I'm not ready to go MISSION ACCOMPLISHED yet, but I've obviously lost the fire I once had in battling the local lefty loons. I retired from posting on George's blog because I think I made him cry a couple of times, and I don't really want to hurt anyone's feelings. I made several appearances on a liberal blog based out of San Fransicko called If I Ran the Zoo but debating with those people is like talking to a wall. I still check out Trekking Left and The Average Man over at their space. They're probably the most civil of the local consortium, and I will continue to monitor their progress. But as for The SBMR, well, consider this the death notice. I'm not quitting though. I aim to have something new up very soon, in a different vein. It will still be locally oriented, but also much more personal. Check back here for the Bat time and the Bat channel in the near future. Until then, party on Garth.

MC Confrontation

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