
I've been branded a racist by a couple of bloggers who go by the names George and ahab. I'm certain that these allegations have only come because they have no other means of defeating any argument put forth by yours truly. What they can't wrap their tiny liberal brains around is the fact that ad hominem attacks do not advance their arguments, but that is beside the point. Nobody ever said that liberals were the brightest streetlights on the block, but even after pointing out the libelous nature of their attacks they continue on. In one of these arenas it has become increasingly more difficult to defend myself due to the czarist rule of one Tom Hilton (pictured above enjoying the environment before it kills us all). In a thread which began by discussing the threat of global warming versus the threat of global terrorism, over 50 comments ensued and finally M.C. Confrontation was silenced by Mr. Hilton with the caveat that I play nice in his sandbox or I would find myself banned. How very Stalinist of you Mr. Hilton! Whatever happened to the Kennedy Democrats? I thought that the liberals preached tolerance, but not this group, no. This is certainly not your Father's Democratic Party.
Alas you would think I would give it up and just quit altogether, like I did at George's blog, but then there's this: now they're posing as me and leaving comments on this blog suggesting I possess pornographic pictures of Condoleeza Rice having sex with a goat. Only a seriously perverted person could devise that image in their mind, and I'm going to guess it's either ahab or Happenstance, but how does a situation like this culminate in the spamming of another guy's website? I never spammed, I only argued my points and responded to ad hominem attacks aimed at me.
Maybe Happenstance belongs in an institution. Maybe ahab is only nine years old. Maybe George has an Anita Hill complex. I don't know these wackos, but they make JQB look like an eccentric genius! I only know how they conduct themselves on the internets, and lately it ain't been pretty.

In this my first post of the new year, here's to hoping that 2008 brings a little maturity to everyone, including me. My resolution is to not be calling any of my detractors a fat whore like I did a couple of times in 2007.
Happy New Year to all, and to all a
Goodnight Now!
Hello MC,
Well, I finally made it over here. From reading this post you must be a hoot to debate. We should party. Over at Good Riddance you make the following comment:
i dont even want to look at your profile for fear of seeing someone on the crapper. is that true?
The profile is fine. He is referring to a blog akubi started, and named after me without asking. It is called "edgar's toilet". I contribute, but yes, she does post pictures of naked women on the pot at times. It is fun, but the I am not comfortable with all the content. I have mixed feelings about keeping it on my profile as well. I felt it was better to leave this comment over here, as the likelihood that she will read it is substantially reduced. As for politics, I enjoy reading t.l.'s blog, but I am a political agnostic, as I feel that both parties are out to get me. Best regards. [/edgar]
you've got to know it's the tone, and the blunt and sarcastic manner in which you post. For most folks, looking past the surface to the substance is a difficult thing to do.
I'm not speaking for or accusing any of my fellow lefties. But it's fairly clear to see that this may be the case with them.
You are right that it shouldn't matter. Say what you will, and folks don't have to pay attention, or at least they ought to respect your right to write before resorting to threats.
In any case, as one lefty here, I try to look at the substance of what you say. All the other stuff, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I roll my eyes (mostly when you channel your inner Lou Dobbs... kidding!), but I never think you must be sent to the internet gallows.
And that's mostly because I don't take what you write on a blog to be the only manner in which you know how to communicate. I'm sure, if given the chance (which I see on 'The Average Man') you can 'play nice', as they say.
Nonetheless, just because you rub some folks the wrong way is no reason for them to allow insult at you and threaten to ban you. But you gotta know it's the humor and the tone.
Ah well, have a good weekend!
By the way, I think you need to clarify for some folks. I've seen that folks think you are Irish. Though you may be Irish, your blogger name is M.C. (as in master of ceremonies and the rappers of the 80s) Confrontation and not McConfrontation (like McDonald or outgoing PIO Lt. McCaffrey), right? Just a thing I see.
thank you for your comments 8, you dont know how much I appreciate them. of course I'm aware my tone and sarcasm may rub some the wrong way. but just like my tag suggests, I am indeed emceecomfrontation. and like so many rappers from the 80's who had handles that were no more than a show name, they don't really "get" that half my shtick IS an act. as if Eazy E was a real gangster or Professor Griff was a real teacher. and besides, i didnt pick that tag, it really was bestowed upon me in college. i havent freestyled in years, but ive held this email address for ten.
as for your laughing and rolling your eyes, well, in the words of the presciedent, mission accomplished! I'm going to take that as the highest of compliments (not to mention one of the few).
hope to see you back here after ive drafted my piece on how john edwards resembles the anti-christ character in the tim lahaye novels. OUT.
Please ignore this post; someone has taken over my blog and is trying to make me look like a foaming-at-the-mouth idiot who, because of his crippling psychosexual and sociopathic issues, not only can't put a cogent sentence together and has nothing better to do than to rant (hiding behind a pseudonym the whole time) in complete and absolute ignorance on his and others' blogs, but also thinks somehow it's OK to attempt to sabotage someone else's blog site but can't take the heat when others do it to him. Please, I'm not like that. And I'm no "Yankee Fan" (sic), either! What kind of sicko would put that in his profile, I ask you? Please -- I'm begging you -- contact Blogger and ask to have this site shut down, before my reputation as a sentient being is completely trashed!
pleeze ignore the comment above he's an impostor and i'm the real mcconfrontation. don't let them fool you i really am the loudmouth bully responsible for this sight and if i want to abuse the english langwidg, uh, langueg, uh, words and say whatever i want to anybody i want to then burst into girlie tears whenever peeple don't agree with me thats my bizness. we peeple that cudn't eat with a fork without poking our one eye out deserve a blog, too, you know.
and as for being a yanke fan, their the greatest; who else has won more world series since 2000? ok, who else besides the red sox, then? ok, besides everybody else, then? oh, forget it. you suck, I hate you all more than I hate myself.
no I'M the real Spartacus errr M.C. Confrontation. those last two posters are the impostors. obviously the first isn't me, the poster correctly utilizes capitalization. the second couldn't be me; that poster can't spell.
i think these two folks (or maybe its the same person, who knows) secretly want to be me, but there can be only one. notice how the first impostor almost immediately brings up sex. that's the first clue to the fact that theres a loony liberal behind it. the second impostor is a misogynist. what's wrong with a few girlie tears? posting from rhode island, he's almost certainly a bandwagon sox fan frontrunner just out for a little attention.
ive got news for you both, though: anytime you want to debate the issues, here or anywhere else, look for the M.C. Confrontation with the nuns with guns logo on it and you'll find yourself a (probably much too) worthy adversary.
Bitchslapping liberal whiners since 2007, this is the real deal signing off.
Goodnight Now!
Dude, why are you even bothering with these people? You have correctly identified them as liberal idiots; isn't it a waste of your time to be trying to educate them? No offense, but it seems to me the more time you spend on their sites (I checked it out after reading your post) and using your blog to draw attention to them, the more they have you right where they want you. After all, while you're doing that, you're not exposing the lunacy there in S.B., so they win (not to mention all the hits you help generate for their sites that people would just ignore otherwise; that's a favorite trick). I don't mean to tell you what to do with your time, but I have you bookmarked for the usual content, not to see you getting jerked around by morons. I'm just sayin'...
good times... good times...
thankyou for making it so "plunger boy" brings up this page in the top 10 hits on google.
no really, thanks.
What plunger boy said. But who Googles "plunger boy"?
Yes, Google hits are good.
On an unrelated note, I sent the bomb-making instructions you requested by e-mailing the terrorist network in America from your e-mail addresses mcconfrontation@gmail.com and mcconfrontation@hotmail.com, as well as the training manuals "How to Kill Americans Without the FBI or CIA Finding Out", "Hitler Was Misunderstood", and "Terrorists' Secret Guide to Where The Next Terrorist Attack Will Take Place". Also, I need the url for your online mcconfrontation butt plug and mcconfrontation inflatable love doll web site.
Thanks in advance.
Allah Is Great!
nochargebonerpill: what, no pedophilia or kiddie porn references? remember, i am PRO patriot act, and ive got nothing to hide, so come on over officer.
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